Sources |
- [S_2138931363] Ancestry Family Trees, (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.), Ancestry Family Tree.
- [S_1705354651], Canada, Voters Lists, 1935-1980, ( Operations, Inc.).
- [S_2139296087], 1901 Census of Canada, (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Library and Archives Canada. Census of Canada, 1901. Ottawa, Canada: Library and Archives Canada. RG31, T-6428 to T-6556.Original data: Library and Archives Canada. Ce).
Birth date: 1896
Birth place: Qc
Residence date: 1901
Residence place: Montréal (City/Cité) Saint-Jean-Baptiste (Ward/Quartier), Maisonneuve, Quebec, Canada
- [S_2138938967], 1911 Census of Canada, (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Library and Archives Canada. Census of Canada, 1911. Ottawa, Canada: Library and Archives Canada. Microfilm reels T-20326 to T-20460.Original data: Library and Archive).
Birth date: December 1896
Birth place: Quebec
Residence date: 1911
Residence place: Jacques-Cartier, Quebec, Canada
- [S_1097673707], 1921 Census of Canada, ( Operations Inc).
- [S_2138932628], Actes d’état civil et registres d’église du Québec (Collection Drouin), 1621 à 1967, (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2008.Original data - Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin.Original data: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montreal, Quebe).